Watch these video’s of the online lectures

Urban masking associations and their conceptual and visual processes in Freetown, Sierra Leone
David Malik

Sharing the heritage of Dani Art
Christopher Buckley

The Seaman Collection of New Guinea Art
Michael Martin

Beyond bridge and barrier: Torres Strait and curious artefact distributions between Queensland and New Guinea
Ian McNiven

Provenance and Pitfalls
Hermione Waterfield

Headrests from Southern Africa – The Architecture of Sleep
Bruce Goodall

Adorned by Nature:
Adornment, exchange & myth in the South Seas
Wolfgang Grulke

Gods, Heroes and Guardians
A short talk by author Bruce W. Carpenter

Interview met Wim van de Waal die in 1959 bij de Asmat woonde en werkte. Hij schreef daarover een boek.
Joan Veldkamp

Tattooing in the Arctic: An Ancient History.
Lars Krutak

A Danish doctor in Dutch East India. The Nias Collection in Copenhagen, from 1600- to present day.
Jesper Kurt Nielsen

Antique Powderglass Beads From West Africa
Jamey Allen

The Use, Fabrication and Conservation of barkcloth
Janie Lightfoot ACR

The magical drawings in the Batak book of Charms
by Dr. Uli Kozok and FJ van Nispen

The Stars are eyes
by Marc Assayag

Interview by Joan Veldkamp with Tom van Groeningen about his book Masks for the dance